And along with this idea, it was soo cheap! I mean i flew for only around 140 pounds, which is nothing really. Prices there were a little steep, but for two nights at the hostel we stayed at it was only 48 euro, and i only had to pay to get into three of the attractions we went to... Sainte-Chapelle Musee d'Orsay, and the Catacombs. Otherwise I got in free at Notre Dame, the Louvre, we didnt go up the Eiffel Tower, or Arc de Triomphe, and everything else we really just walked around and saw.
Paris was amazing though. Each day made me not want to leave, what with how nice the weather we had, or even just how nice the city is, and how light it is. In england you have the very medieval dark gothic atmosphere with dark stone and red brick and just dark greens and everything. In Paris everything was white stone or yellow stone, and everything was tall and narrow and just elegantly simple. The city was really beautiful. Even the metro stations were not that dirty or anything. A bunch of them had themes or even some type of decoration on them.
Anyway...I promise to do a day by day account as well...I just wanted to get this out there first. Like I said I am still a little stunned that I just jumped countries for a weekend. I mean I knew that was possible, but I guess I never thought that I would be doing that.
My eyes just turned green. I hate you ... just a little bit, because you are still awesome.