Friday, March 19, 2010

Alrighty. It's Spring Break

Oh it is finally here! SPRING BREAK! I have turned my paper in, and so now I can laze around and do nothing. Or can I?

Anyway I know that I said I would get a post up about my grand weekend in London with the whole UK UofI gang, but at the same time I really dont feel like going that deep into my memory and fishing around for a while. Right now my brain deserves a break. So today's blog entry will be about life in general I think. Just catch you up on life in York.

Its Grand

Ok next topic.

Haha just kidding here are some more details:
Life in York is something completely unique. Since the city is so old every day (well every time you go down to City Center) feels completely amazing. I mean being able to wander around and run into streets as wide as a steam tunnel (University of Illinois Reference) or a bike lane (another one) with little shops selling everything from fudge, to scottish knit sweaters (I am still contemplating one...) to old touristy things or chic clothing or books or pasties or cheese or whatever is something that I am still getting used to. There are also the buildings that have been around since the Tudor reign and then the newer places as well...tucked in right next to them. Its fantastic. The mix of old and new is just perfect. But anyway City center is a place I go to get things if needed, like most recently new style is not in fashion with what people wear So a few new purchases were necessary. Other things that I get in city center are just the everyday things you need to survive (not food though...that i get at dining halls and grocers).
Anyway York itself is just too nice to give up. I know that by the end of the time I am here I will not want to leave.

Other fun facts about life here. Well the weather has warmed up. I am in search of a true spring jacket...because the one I have right now is actually too wintry for spring here (its also not quite waterproof) so yea flowers are blooming (crocuses and snow drops) and daffodils are pushing up more and more randomly around campus.

We have had really good weather recently as a little rain, but mainly sun. Its been really nice.

Ok since this is getting not that great (my brain is shut down right everything is coming out in like blurbs) I am going to post this and tell you I will write again soon...since I am on break from now till the beginning of May.

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